Skiffieworlds 2019
credit: Saskia Coulson, CT Productions

Our Journey

credit: Saskia Coulson, CT Productions


St Ayles Skiff boat building as a way to help bring communities together was highlighted at a Cross Party Recreational Boating and Marina Tourism meeting at the Scottish Parliament. Stranraer’s Economic Development Officer had a discussion with Stranraer Marina Group about how this approach might support the regeneration of Loch Ryan following the Stena ferry move in 2011.


Four members of the Stranraer Marina Group formed Stranraer Water Sports Association, as a not-for-profit limited company and funding applications were prepared to support the building of a SWSA Boat House. The Council agreed to match fund the boat house project with funds left over from the Agnew Park refurbishment. SWSA formed a partnership with Stranraer Rotary Club, and the local Economic Development Officer supported Rotary to apply for funding to buy St Ayles Skiff boat kits, tools and additional materials, as well as safety equipment and a Humber Safety Rib. Funding was also secured to support community consultation, volunteer expenses and a community regatta.


When the Stranraer St Ayles Skiff Project was launched, SWSA appointed a part time Project Development Officer to manage the build of the Boat House, procure equipment and undertake a community consultation programme. Planning consent to construct a boat house for SWSA was granted in June 2017. The first St Ayles Skiff rowing regatta was delivered in September 2017, dovetailing with the first Stranraer Oyster Festival. The boat house was opened in November 2017, and the first skiff build was started, led by a team of community volunteers. Also in November, SWSA applied to host SkiffieWorlds 2019.


The team learned they had won the bid to host SkiffieWorlds in January 2018, and in May of that year our first St Ayles Skiff – Lady Bay – was completed and launched. In August Stranraer Water Sports Association, in partnership with Stranraer Rotary, hosted a second coastal rowing regatta, with thirteen clubs attending from around Scotland and Northern Ireland.


SWSA became a registered Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) on 1st May 2019. Our second skiff – Milleur Maid – was launched in June, just in time for SkiffieWorlds 2019, hosted in the name of Stranraer St Ayles Skiff Project supported through SWSA. SkiffieWorlds, which took place in July, was supported by grants and by sponsorship from many generous local businesses. An Economic Impact Assessment published in September, identified opportunities to build better facilities for the delivery of water sports in Stranraer and the opportunity to deliver a more water-based activities to suit all ages.

Following the success of SkiffieWorlds, the Rotary Club stepped back and a Deed of Gift was produced, transferring all assets paid for through the Rotary to SWSA. This included our two St Ayles Skiffs, Humber Safety Rib, all building tools, life jackets and two sets of oars. 


While the world went into lockdown, SWSA continued to develop and grow. Stranraer Rowing Club was formed and Loch Ryan Sailing Club moved its base to Stranraer. Both clubs came under the umbrella of Stranraer Water sports Association for the benefit of all. Funding and grants were sourced to support the continued development of SWSA, including funding for instructors and for equipment. Research and community consultation into the potential Water Sports Hub continued, leading to a full feasibility study the following year. 

Looking Ahead

Stranraer Water Sports Association is excited about creating a world class Water Sports Hub for the benefit of everyone with an interest in water leisure and recreation in Stranraer. With the build now commencing in 2025, our new facilities will be complete by early 2026.

Alongside facilities development, we are proud of our growing team of expert water sports instructors, including the local young instructors who have been part of our skills development programme.

Stranraer has an exciting future as a water sports and recreation destination, and we are proud support our community in enjoying our stunning coastline, and delighted to be playing an active role in the ongoing regeneration of our beautiful town.