Sailing with Stranraer Water Sports Association


Stranraer Water Sports Association is supported by a small team of experienced instructors who run and develop the activities and deliver certificated training. Find out more about the team below.

Tom Wilson

Tom Wilson

Chief Instructor

Tell us about yourself!

I started sailing when I was 8, fell in love with it and couldn’t get enough! I started helping out at my local sailing centre as a teenager and really enjoyed helping other people learn new skills and develop as individuals. Becoming an instructor has allowed me to travel and work throughout UK and around the world.

Did you always want to be an instructor?

When I was a kid I wanted to be a fighter pilot or a teacher – haven’t done either, but my job is pretty close to being a teacher.

What is your favourite water sports activity?

Sailing. But to be honest, I just love the freedom of being on the water.

Who is your role model?

My grandfather. He had a big heart, was firm but fair, a hard worker, a family man, a font of all knowledge with a photographic memory and had a great sense of humour.

What is your favourite food?

Bangers and Mash.

What is your favourite animal?

A dog, labrador to be exact! If you come to SWSA you are most likely to meet my sidekick – Max.

Become an instructor

We run a Young Instructor training programme each year to encourage more people to develop the skills, confidence and experience to become instructors.