Stranraer Watersports


Becoming a member of Stranraer Water Sports Association means you officially join our water sports community. It also brings a whole host of member benefits, including:

Discounted Sessions

Membership gives you discounts when booking activities, which means your membership pays for itself when you enjoy water sports regularly.

Discounted Training

Certificated training for some activities, like sailing, is a must! Membership gives you access to great value member pricing.

Member Activities

Connect with like-minded individuals in a welcoming environment, from winter rowing sessions to summer adventures, there’s always something happening.

Community Connection

Becoming a member means you are officially part of the club! It’s a great way to connect with other people and be part of developing an exciting future for water sports in Stranraer.

2025 Membership Fees

  • Adult: TBC
  • Youth (under 18): TBC
  • Social: TBC

Our membership year runs from April to March.